Losing time to tasks that add little value?

We automate your business processes so you and your team can focus on high-value tasks.

We automate your business processes so you and your team can focus on high-value tasks.

We automate your business processes so you and your team can focus on high-value tasks.

Most businesses are losing money and time to manual tasks that can be automated. We build custom automations that free up your time, remove bottlenecks and increase profit margins.

We’ve helped companies

We’ve helped companies

We’ve helped companies

We’ve helped companies

We’ve helped companies

Added $6k + 60hrs per month

We developed a system to intelligently delegate tasks, remade the onboarding process and built an automated project management system that enhanced project delivery.

Added $5k per month

We built an automatic invoicing system using Zoho Books that facilitated real-time order processing, accurate invoicing, and dramatically reduced the manual data entry burden along with the errors.

Added $2k + 40hrs per month

We developed an advanced Inbox Manager utilizing Make, Airtable, and OpenAI, integrated into the Smart Lead system. This robust solution features 99 modules and 12 active scenarios within Make.

Added $6k + 60hrs per month

We developed a system to intelligently delegate tasks, remade the onboarding process and built an automated project management system that enhanced project delivery.

Added $5k per month

We built an automatic invoicing system using Zoho Books that facilitated real-time order processing, accurate invoicing, and dramatically reduced the manual data entry burden along with the errors.

Added $2k + 40hrs per month

We developed an advanced Inbox Manager utilizing Make, Airtable, and OpenAI, integrated into the Smart Lead system. This robust solution features 99 modules and 12 active scenarios within Make.

Added $6k + 60hrs per month

We developed a system to intelligently delegate tasks, remade the onboarding process and built an automated project management system that enhanced project delivery.

Added $5k per month

We built an automatic invoicing system using Zoho Books that facilitated real-time order processing, accurate invoicing, and dramatically reduced the manual data entry burden along with the errors.

Added $2k + 40hrs per month

We developed an advanced Inbox Manager utilizing Make, Airtable, and OpenAI, integrated into the Smart Lead system. This robust solution features 99 modules and 12 active scenarios within Make.

Added $6k + 60hrs per month

We developed a system to intelligently delegate tasks, remade the onboarding process and built an automated project management system that enhanced project delivery.

Added $5k per month

We built an automatic invoicing system using Zoho Books that facilitated real-time order processing, accurate invoicing, and dramatically reduced the manual data entry burden along with the errors.

Added $2k + 40hrs per month

We developed an advanced Inbox Manager utilizing Make, Airtable, and OpenAI, integrated into the Smart Lead system. This robust solution features 99 modules and 12 active scenarios within Make.

Added $6k + 60hrs per month

We developed a system to intelligently delegate tasks, remade the onboarding process and built an automated project management system that enhanced project delivery.

Added $5k per month

We built an automatic invoicing system using Zoho Books that facilitated real-time order processing, accurate invoicing, and dramatically reduced the manual data entry burden along with the errors.

Added $2k + 40hrs per month

We developed an advanced Inbox Manager utilizing Make, Airtable, and OpenAI, integrated into the Smart Lead system. This robust solution features 99 modules and 12 active scenarios within Make.

Slow operations cripple growth.

Slow operations cripple growth.

Are Manual Processes Holding You Back?

Have you found your manual processes becoming more of a burden than a benefit?

Has Growth Outpaced Your Processes?

Do you worry that your established processes are no longer efficient as your business expands?

Are Repetitive Tasks Draining Resources?

Are your employees bogged down by repetitive tasks that contribute little to your bottom line?

The Problem

How much money are you losing by not automating?

How much money are you losing by not automating?

How much money are you losing by not automating?

Are you paying your employees to work on repetitive tasks that drain resources, hinder productivity, and cost your payroll more than you realize?

How much is your customer satisfaction being affected by poor delivery and communication?

How much money are you losing to manual errors and mistakes?

How much of your labor hours is spent on low value tasks?

How much are you paying your employees to do tasks that can be automated?

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director @ DMentes

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director @ DMentes

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director @ DMentes

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director @ DMentes

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director @ DMentes

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

“You’ve been kind of like a drop from heaven”

Pedro Coronado, Creative Director

We’re Trusted By:

Our Solution

Time is money. We save you both with automated workflows that free up time so you can focus on growth.

Time is money. We save you both with automated workflows that free up time so you can focus on growth.

Time is money. We save you both with automated workflows that free up time so you can focus on growth.

Fast-growing companies hire us to:

Fast-growing companies hire us to:

Fast-growing companies hire us to:

Remove owners from day-to-day work

Significantly reduce workload

Eliminate human error

We build creative solutions to complicated problems. And we use zero cookie cutter templates.

We build creative solutions to complicated problems. And we use zero cookie cutter templates.

  • How We Cut DMentes’ Project Management by 80% & Saved 60 Hours Monthly.

    Read Full Case Study

    The Challenge

    Reveal Content

    End Results

    Linklemon's collaboration with DMentes introduced a triple-tiered solution: intelligently delegating tasks, revolutionizing onboarding to cut time by 80%, and implementing an automated project management system, enhancing delivery efficiency by 10%.


    Time Saved


    Hrs Added Per Week


    Delivery Speed

  • How Awesome.ad Achieved a 70% Reduction in Manual Entry and Boosted Efficiency.

    Read Full Case Study

    The Challenge

    Reveal Content

    End Results

    To tackle these challenges head-on, we proposed a seamless integration solution between Zoho Books and the Arrow distributor platform. Utilizing API and Make connectivity, this innovative system was designed to automatically initiate the invoice generation process in Zoho Books the moment a new order was registered on the Arrow platform.


    Less Typing


    Happier Customers


    Faster Payment

  • How our automated inbox manager added $2,000 and 40 hours a month.

    Read Full Case Study

    The Challenge

    Reveal Content

    End Results

    To streamline this process, we developed an advanced Inbox Manager utilizing Make, Airtable, and OpenAI, integrated into the Smart Lead system. This robust solution features 99 modules and 12 active scenarios within Make, alongside 11 automations and a multitude of databases in Airtable, culminating in over 100 automations. This comprehensive setup is tailored to meet the demanding needs of a busy lead generation agency.


    Added Per Month


    Hours Added Per Month

  • How We Cut DMentes’ Project Management by 80% & Saved 60 Hours Monthly.

    Read Full Case Study

    The Challenge

    Reveal Content

    End Results

    Linklemon's collaboration with DMentes introduced a triple-tiered solution: intelligently delegating tasks, revolutionizing onboarding to cut time by 80%, and implementing an automated project management system, enhancing delivery efficiency by 10%.


    Time Saved


    Hrs Added Per Week


    Delivery Speed

  • How Awesome.ad Achieved a 70% Reduction in Manual Entry and Boosted Efficiency.

    Read Full Case Study

    The Challenge

    Reveal Content

    End Results

    To tackle these challenges head-on, we proposed a seamless integration solution between Zoho Books and the Arrow distributor platform. Utilizing API and Make connectivity, this innovative system was designed to automatically initiate the invoice generation process in Zoho Books the moment a new order was registered on the Arrow platform.


    Less Typing


    Happier Customers


    Faster Payment

  • How our automated inbox manager added $2,000 and 40 hours a month.

    Read Full Case Study

    The Challenge

    Reveal Content

    End Results

    To streamline this process, we developed an advanced Inbox Manager utilizing Make, Airtable, and OpenAI, integrated into the Smart Lead system. This robust solution features 99 modules and 12 active scenarios within Make, alongside 11 automations and a multitude of databases in Airtable, culminating in over 100 automations. This comprehensive setup is tailored to meet the demanding needs of a busy lead generation agency.


    Added Per Month


    Hours Added Per Month

  • How We Cut DMentes’ Project Management by 80% & Saved 60 Hours Weekly.

    Read Full Case Study


    DMentes' operational agility was hampered by unclear work allocation, sluggish client onboarding, and a lack of structured automation in project management, despite their remarkable creative prowess.


    Linklemon's collaboration with DMentes introduced a triple-tiered solution: intelligently delegating tasks, revolutionizing onboarding to cut time by 80%, and implementing an automated project management system, enhancing delivery efficiency by 10%.


    Time Saved


    Hours Saved Per Week


    Delivery Speed

  • How Awesome.ad Achieved a 70% Reduction in Manual Entry and Boosted Efficiency.

    Read Full Case Study


    Awesome.ad faced a significant operational bottleneck: the manual process of generating invoices for new orders. This labor-intensive task was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, leading to delayed billing, impacted cash flow, and potential customer dissatisfaction from inaccuracies and delays.


    We made an integration solution between Zoho Books and the Arrow distributor platform. This system was designed to automatically initiate the invoice generation process in Zoho Books the moment a new order was registered on the Arrow platform.


    Less Manual Typing


    Faster Payment

  • How our automated inbox mngr saves $2,000 and 40 hours a month.

    Read Full Case Study


    Alex from Infinite Bookings was overwhelmed by the chaos of managing numerous client emails. The lack of organization made responding to leads and overseeing various campaigns a cumbersome task.


    We developed an advanced Inbox Manager utilizing Make, Airtable, and OpenAI, integrated into the Smart Lead system. This robust solution culminated to over 100 automations. This comprehensive setup is tailored to meet the demanding needs of a busy lead generation agency.


    Saved Per Month


    Hours Saved Per Month

Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials

How We Cut DMentes Project Mgmt by 80% & Saved 60 Hours Monthly.

Interview between Pedro (Creative Director @ Dmentes, Jorge & Gytis)

How our automated inbox mngr saves $2,000 and 40 hours a month.

Interview between Bobby, Founder @ TAM and Gytis

How We Helped Revenueboost Automate Process and Reduce Manual Work

AJ Cassata @Revenue Boost

How our automated inbox mngr saves $2,000 and 40 hours a month.

Interview between Alex, Founder @ Infinite Bookings and Jorge

Automation can help you eliminate repetitive tasks. Here's some use cases.

Automation can help you eliminate repetitive tasks. Here's some use cases.

Client Invoicing

Inbox Management

Project Management

Client Onboarding

Email Marketing

Data Entry and Processing

Financial Reporting

Social Media Management

Customer Support

Performance Tracking

Appointment Setting

Feedback Collection

Our Process

Our Process

From when you get started with us, you can expect to eliminate your repetitive tasks in under a month.

1) Discovery Call

We take a look if we’re a good fit. We dive deep into your business to understand if and where automation can help your business.

We take a look if we’re a good fit. We dive deep into your business to understand if and where automation can help your business.,

2) Identifying Opportunities

We start by mapping your processes, creating a visual representation of your workflows, and concurrently identifying high ROl automation opportunities.

3) Automation Creation

We leverage custom code, cutting-edge Al tools, and integration platforms to build and rigorously test solutions that seamlessly integrate into your existing tech stack.

4) Continuous Support & Optimization

Beyond implementation, we stay engaged, managing and optimising your automated systems as your business evolves, ensuring continuous efficiency gains.

1) Discovery Call

We take a look if we’re a good fit. We dive deep into your business to understand if and where automation can help your business.

2) Identifying Opportunities

We start by mapping your processes, creating a visual representation of your workflows, and concurrently identifying high ROl automation opportunities.

3) Automation Creation

We leverage custom code, cutting-edge Al tools, and integration platforms to build and rigorously test solutions that seamlessly integrate into your existing tech stack.

4) Continuous Support & Optimization

Beyond implementation, we stay engaged, managing and optimising your automated systems as your business evolves, ensuring continuous efficiency gains.

Some of the tools we work with:

Some of the tools we work with:

What can you expect from us?

What can you expect from us?

We ensure that each automation is crafted specifically for your business and goals. And you can be sure that it'll adapt to your business, not the other way around.

Building innovative workflows using AI integration

Building innovative workflows using AI integration

Opportunities to keep improving processes and automations

Opportunities to keep improving processes and automations

Ongoing support after project completion

Jorge Del Castillo

Jorge Del Castillo



Jorge combines engineering expertise with a keen sense of technology and efficiency, grounded in a rich background in development, technology, and automation spanning over 7 years.

His tenure at Airbus is marked by successfully managing digitalization projects worth over €6M, achieving high customer satisfaction through his technical know-how and strategic insight. These projects have significantly advanced aviation technology.

Gytis Kandrotas

Gytis Kandrotas

Gytis has a strong foundation in economics and business strategy, backed by a Master's degree from Copenhagen Business School.

In his career, Gytis has excelled at HP, focusing on optimizing and streamlining processes to enhance the company's footprint in the technology sector.

With expertise in startups, his roles have spanned business development, strategy, and operations across various organizations.

Ready to learn how your business can be improved with automatons?

Ready to learn how your business can be improved with automatons?

Ready to learn how your business can be improved with automatons?

A no sales 30 min chat to explore your business potential and see if we click. Ask away, learn, and consider the possibilities - zero pressure.